Anna Darian, outreach coordinator, joins SSSR
If you joined us on the hike to the Santa Rita Mountains on Saturday, March 16, you likely met Anna and her exceptionally well-behaved dog Lily. Since Anna started working for us half-time a week ago, she has been a whirlwind. If you go to our FaceBook page, you'll see that Anna brought it back to life after a five-year hibernation. She's already doing an amazing job at telling our story and reaching out to our members.
Rob Peters
Anna is an urban planner, storyteller, and third-generation Tucsonan with 15+ years of community and economic development experience, including roles with the University of Arizona, City of Phoenix, and most recently, the Development Director for a local nonprofit.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Arizona and a master’s in urban planning from the American University of Beirut.